Saturday, June 15, 2013


Dear Friends,

When I was younger, I told God that one of the places that I would never go to is Africa.  That being said, just take a guess  as to where I am going this summer?  Africa!  He has been doing some amazing work in my heart and now, instead of saying “I will never go there”, I am screaming, “ SEND ME”.

This July, I will be going to Kenya, Africa to serve the young orphans living there.  My team will spend a week at Little Eden Orphanage, where we will be putting on a vacation bible school each afternoon.  While the children are attending school, we will be working on projects that need to be taken care of around the orphanage grounds. In addition to our work at Little Eden, we will be spending three days in the slums of Nairobi.  There is a tremendous need in this capital city!  Yes, there is a great need  in a monitory sense but their spiritual needs far out way their poverty.  Our goal is to work with a church that is newly established within the cardboard and mud walls of the capital.  It is here that we will be sharing and serving with the people who live there.

I am sure many of you don’t know that I have a deep and growing  passion for orphans. My husband and I would love to adopt ourselves one day and it is such an honor and privilege to be able to serve the sweet children in Kenya.  God has given me a special call to “go” and I am counting on Him to call those of you He has called to “send.”  Each member on our team is asked to raise $4000, which seems like a daunting task to me.  However, if I know that I am called to go then I know  he will provide.  Whether you feel called to give financially or not, I would love it if each one of you would pray for me.  I will be away from my family for two weeks serving in a part of the world that is far different from mine.  Prayers for strength, humility and a tremendous amount of overflowing love would be so appreciated.

Thank you so much for taking time to hear my story and where God is taking me.  I am very excited to see what God is going to do through all of this!

Much love,


If you feel led to give, please visit here and sign in as a "guest" (right side of the page).  You will be asked to fill in a form of information and will need to select "Kenya" when asked about which trip you are contributing to. Also, there is a question asking,  "To whom would you like your gift to be directed?" and this is where you would fill in my first and last name.