Monday, March 29, 2010

The Trust Factor

Loving someone is a risk. There are so many things in life that could hurt or take that person away. Car accidents, plane crashes, kidnapping, sickness...... the list goes on and on. I have never been one to have a lot of fear or worry as I traveled through life. I tend to take troubles on as they come and leave worrying to the birds. As soon as Addi was born ,however, that quickly changed. Never before had I known such a unique and deep love as the love I felt for my child. I play scenarios through my head all day long, always asking myself, "Well what if this happens...?". I lay in her crib at night while thinking, "Somebody might break into our apartment through her window. How will I get to her in time?". All of these things show my lack of trust in the man with the perfect plan. The man who created her and holds her carefully in his hands. Christ.

I love the story of Abraham because of his amazing trust in God's unique plan. God asked Abraham to sacrifice "his son, his only son, Isaac". This is the very son Abraham asked God for over and over again. The very son that Abraham's decedents were supposed to come from (as numerous as the stars). Yet, without question, Abraham packed everything up and headed to the place where he would offer Isaac up as a sacrifice. Isaac even asks him where the sacrifice is and Abraham's response is, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burt offering, my son" Wow! That statement tells me that Abraham had complete trust in God's plan (wish I could say the same). We all know how this story ends (if you don't, check out Genesis 22). This is such a remarkable story of dependence and faithfulness.

I wish I could say that Iam in the same place that Abraham was in this story, but I am not. I daily have to lay my doubts and fears at the cross and believe that God has her in his hands. Trusting that he knows what is best for her.... and me as well. His plan is perfect!

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