Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A late post on LoVe

My Valentines day would have greatly disappointed me two or three years ago. I always wanted some really awesome romantic surprise (which never really happened) and I wanted Andy to read my mind and get me the gift I had already picked out in my head. I am pretty sure I set him up for faliure because this girl has a big romantic imagination that had been dreaming big for a long time. This year, I had no expectations. We don't have a ton of extra money floating around to spend on gifts or fancy dinners, but I am ok with that. So instead we grilled hot dogs on the back patio and sat outside to eat our dinner. You wanna know something?? It was perfect. Perfect. This girl doesn't need a fancy gift to feel appreciated, although every once in awhile it is nice. I was so happy to just BE with my family, eating dinner in the 70 degree weather.

Since everybody else seems to be talking about this topic, I will join in too. People seem to either love or hate Valentines day. I have taken both sides, but this year I feel like I ended up falling in the middle. Yes, I do think that we need to celebrate love everyday, but you know what?????...... Love isn't easy! Our society likes to make it out as this warm fuzzy feeling that you always feel. Puppy Love. Wouldn't it be nice if LOVE always felt that way? Love is hard. It's tough and yes there are amazing days when you feel all the ooey gooey feelings, but they are definitely mixed in with a big bowl of hard, sad, and funny. So, Valentines day is a great day to step away and say, "Gosh, I really appreciate you and think you are pretty amazing". I am not sure a big box of chocolates say that for me, but grilling hot dogs sure does :) So, here is to all the people in my life that have wiggled their way into my heart. I love you all and I do think you're pretty amazing (especially my incredibly awesome husband and adorable daughter...... God's greatest gift).

P.S. I am so ready for March! We are ushering her in with 70 degree weather. 

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