Thursday, February 2, 2012

I don't know how these bloggers do it, especially those with young children. I am constantly moving or doing something during the day. Last night, Andy was getting frustrated because he couldn't sit and relax for 5 minutes without somebody needing him. I wanted to be like, "welcome to my life"! It can be frustrating. Brandly has past the sleep all the time/content with just chilling in the swing phase and Addi is BUSY.. always has been, but now she is tall enough to get into stuff. I am picking up toys all day long; it's an uphill battle. Plus, we are going to try potty training again........ ugh! I literally found poop on the floor last night and a poopy/pee mixture on my rug. I guess I finally have my excuse for getting a new rug for my living room.

All of that to say, I am behind on posting. I am going to try to get caught up in the next couple of days, but I can make no promises. I don't want to sound like I am running a campaign for my blog, but I would really encourage you to become a follower. I do not always post my posts to facebook so if you actually enjoy reading, go ahead and become a follower (the only time I would ever encourage you to be a follower in life).

I had every intention of decorating for Valentines, but after getting rid of the Christmas clutter, I couldn't bring myself to put anything up. However, making v-day cards do not clutter my house and are cute and fun to make (and keep Addi busy for 30 minutes).

Do you remember your Valentines boxes back in elementary?? I remember my Dad made me an awesome whale and my sister a lion one year. COOLEST v-day boxes EVER!!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth - I follow you on Google Reader and LOVE your photography and RIDICULOUSLY cute kids! Keep it up... when you have time, of course. ;)
