Monday, January 16, 2012


Some weekends just fall into that place between busy and boring and strike a balance that creates the perfect weekend. These past three days just happen to be one of those weekends.....

I don't know about you, but I love doing house projects which does, in fact, include cleaning out the gutters. Maybe I like it because I am not the one actually sticking my hand into a gutter filled with soggy leaves and sludge. I would be the one sitting on the deck sunning myself, sipping on an ice cold Dr. Pepper. It's such a hard job. Yet, even though I have literally not lifted a finger, I feel such an accomplishment when it is all completed.

Days like these end in fires on the patio where hot dogs are cooked in the appropriate manner.... meaning I get impatient of holding my hot dog  over the fire and end up throwing it in the microwave.

Even small group, on Sunday, was perfect. The ladies and fellows split for the night and it resulted in meaningful conversations. Tears were shed and in the end we were drawn closer together. Girls desire intimacy in every relationship, but there is something extra special when females gather together and peel off the masks that we masquerade in on a day to day basis. I believe those moments are tiny little glimpses of the types of relationships we will have in heaven. Beautiful.

Today was the perfect ending to a perfect weekend. We piled in the car and headed to the coast where we were all able to breathe a little deeper. Hours were passed simply strolling along the boardwalk, taking in the vast spanse of water before us. These are the moments where we finally allow ourselves to switch our brains off and simply be in the moment that is before us.

1 comment:

  1. i adore this. i am happy for your little clan for space to breathe. :) and i loooovvve this song. you're growing into a beautiful woman elizabeth. :)
