Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's Going to Be A Good One!

Normally, New Years barely crosses my mind as I sit on the couch and watch the clock tick down. I never make resolutions or give much thought to the up coming year. Yet, for some reason, this year is different. I still sat on my couch, drinking sparkling cider... nothing new or thrilling, but for the first time I am EXCITED for 2012.
I don't know quite what it is, but I think the Lord has some big plans for this year. I feel like I am holding my breath in anticipation.. just waiting. It's going to be good. Now, that doesn't mean it's going to be easy. No, easy = complacent (in my book) and I am  SO done with complacent. I am ready to grow, be challenged... stretched. Those words are scary words but  aren't they exuberating?

These things may or may not be included in God's plans for this year, but I figure if they are deep in my heart then perhaps they are.

1. Go on a mission trip. It has been like a constant drip in my heart. Drip. (Go on a mission trip) Drip. (Go on a mission trip) Drip. (Go on a mission trip) I received a pamphlet in the mail, from my church, listing all the places mission trips will be taken this year. As I scanned down the list, it was like the dripping turned into a constant run and now I can't get it out of my head. In October a group is going to a Russian orphanage. I knew the second I saw it that I wanted to go.
We want to adopt someday and my passion for orphans is constantly growing. I don't know if I am supposed to go on this trip or not, but I will pursue it until I know for sure.

2. Spend time reading and praying EVERYDAY. I feel so lame. How long have I been a Christian and I still struggle with this? I want to know him. It's as simple as that.

3. Memorize scripture. This kinda ties in with #2 but I am finding the importance of this more and more as I get older.

4. Develop my photography skills. My new lens is coming :)

5. Run a half marathon. Oh my. Let's just say that I started running with my Dad and I have a LONG way to go. It has been almost two years since I have consistently ran. Feeling the pain.

6. Be Bold. I am ashamed to say that I am so often ashamed. I have fallen into our culture's belief that we must make everybody comfortable; that we shouldn't step on anybodies toes. Therefore, I never say anything that would offend people. Meaning, when it comes to my faith.. I keep pretty quite. What is even worse is that I only surround myself with Christians so I don't have to deal with making anybody uncomfortable with what I believe.... with what is true. That is ending this year! I am stepping out. That means I am going to have to deal with awkward and I don't do well with awkward, but like I said... I am done with comfortable and if I am really going to mean that, then things need to get uncomfortable. Does that make any sense?

So BRING IT 2012!

On a side note: The devil likes to attack when people get serious and I am dead serious... so keep me in your prayers friends :)

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