Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Miss Addi got her first big "ouchy". I don't even know what happened as I was out of the room. All I heard was Addi crying and I immediately knew something was wrong... there was just something in her cry that told me that she was hurt. I came rushing to her and found this lovely cut under her eye..
Excuse the grape jelly
It doesn't look so bad anymore, but I have no doubt it will leave a scar on her perfect baby skin (going to try some vitamin E). I have my suspicions that the cat got tired of little miss trying to put a bib on her and retaliated with a swift kick from the hind leg. This was later confirmed when Addi started saying, "Kitty ouchy".  I couldn't tell if it needed stitches so I went ahead and took her to Urgent Care, but they said that they wouldn't be able to put stitches on such a small cut (it was pretty deep though). So, we stopped and got some peroxide and Elmo band aids to cover it up.

Clearly, she isn't too upset over it. She cried a whole minute when it happened and hasn't cried since (even when I put the peroxide on... what kid doesn't cry over that?). The only time she has gotten upset, in the past 24hrs, is when I told her that she couldn't have a band aid so her ouchy could air out a little. I am sure she will probably milk it for months now just so she can have a band aid.... she thinks its cool:)

So, before Addi received her mysterious cut, I took these pictures.

 This has been part of our morning ok... weekend ritual for a couple months now. It would be a lie to say I put on make-up everyday because it only happens maybe once during the week. She has pretty much ruined all my make-up brushes and concealers as she is in the strange habbit of spitting on them....I don't know either. I guess I have an excuse now to buy new ones... someday.

1 comment:

  1. you'll be surprised at how much DOESN"T scar on that baby skin. i alswyas think things will scar and they have such amazing cell turnover at this age that it all melts away. :) band aids are awesome treats at our house too. :)
